Source code for wscodec.decoder.pairs

#  cuplcodec encodes environmental sensor data into a URL and the reverse.
#  Original Author: Malcolm Mackay
#  Email:
#  Website:
#  Copyright (C) 2021. Plotsensor Ltd.
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from .circularbuffer import CircularBufferURL
from .exceptions import MessageIntegrityError
from .b64decode import B64Decoder
from typing import List
from enum import Enum
import hashlib
import hmac

BYTES_PER_PAIR = 3                                      #: The number of bytes in each decoded Pair.
BYTES_PER_PAIRB64 = 4                                   #: The number of bytes in each base64 encoded Pair.
PAIRS_PER_DEMI = 2                                      #: The number of pairs in each 8-byte demi.
BYTES_PER_DEMI = BYTES_PER_PAIRB64 * PAIRS_PER_DEMI     #: The number of bytes in each demi.

class HashType(Enum):
    MD5 = 1
    HMAC_MD5 = 2

[docs]class Pair: """ Class representing a pair of 12-bit sensor readings. In the URL each pair consists of a 4 byte (base64) string. These decode to 3 8-bit bytes. The last contains 4-bits from reading0 and 4-bits from reading 1. When this class is instantiated, the 3 8-bit bytes are converted back into two 12-bit readings. Parameters ---------- rd0MSB : int Most Signficant Byte of environmental sensor reading0. rd1MSB : int Most Significant Byte of environmental sensor reading1. Lsb : int Upper 4-bits are the least significant bits of reading0. Lower 4-bits are the least significant bits of reading1. """ def __init__(self, rd0MSB: int, rd1MSB: int, Lsb: int): self.rd0MSB = rd0MSB self.rd1MSB = rd1MSB self.Lsb = Lsb rd0Lsb = (self.Lsb >> 4) & 0xF rd1Lsb = self.Lsb & 0xF self.rd0 = ((self.rd0MSB << 4) | rd0Lsb) self.rd1 = ((self.rd1MSB << 4) | rd1Lsb) def __repr__(self): """ Returns ------- A string containing both 12-bit readings. """ return str(self.readings())
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, bytes: bytes): """ Parameters ---------- bytes : bytes The 3 bytes that make up a pair rd0MSB, rd1MSB and Lsb. Returns ------- A pair instantiated from the 3 byte input. """ assert len(bytes) == BYTES_PER_PAIR return cls(rd0MSB=bytes[0], rd1MSB=bytes[1], Lsb=bytes[2])
[docs] @classmethod def from_b64(cls, pairb64: str): """ Parameters ---------- str4: str A 4 character string that represents a base64 encoded pair. These are extracted from the circular buffer. Returns ------- A pair instantiated from the 4 character string. """ assert len(pairb64) == BYTES_PER_PAIRB64 pairbytes = B64Decoder.b64decode(pairb64) return cls.from_bytes(pairbytes)
[docs] def readings(self): """ Returns -------- A dictionary containing both 12-bit readings. """ return {'rd0': self.rd0, 'rd1': self.rd1}
[docs]class PairsURL(CircularBufferURL): """ This takes the payload of the linearised buffer, which is a long string of base64 characters. It decodes this into a list of pairs. The hash (MD5 or HMAC-MD5) is taken and compared with that supplied in the URL by the encoder. If the hashes match then the decode has been successful. If not, an exception is raised. Parameters ---------- *args Variable length argument list. usehmac: bool True if the hash inside the circular buffer endstop is HMAC-MD5. False if it is MD5. secretkey: str HMAC secret key as a string. Normally 16 characters long. **kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to parent class constructors. """ def __init__(self, *args, usehmac: bool = False, secretkey: str = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._decode_pairs() self._verify(usehmac, secretkey)
[docs] def _verify(self, usehmac : bool, secretkey : str): """ Calculate a hash from the list of pairs according to the same algorithm used by the encoder (see :ref:`pairhist_hash`). Besides pairs, data from the status URL parameter are included. This makes it very unlikely that the same data will be hashed twice, as well as 'protecting' the status parameter from modification by a 3rd party. A fragment of the calculated hash is compared with that supplied by the encoder. If the hashes agree then verification is successful. If not, an exception is raised. Parameters ---------- usehmac : bool True if the hash inside the circular buffer endstop is HMAC-MD5. False if it is MD5. secretkey : str HMAC secret key as a string. Normally 16 characters long. Raises ------- MessageIntegrityError: If the hash calculated by this decoder does not match the hash provided by the encoder. """ pairhist = bytearray() for pair in self.pairs: pairhist.append(pair.rd0MSB) pairhist.append(pair.rd1MSB) pairhist.append(pair.Lsb) pairhist.append(self.status.loopcount >> 8) pairhist.append(self.status.loopcount & 0xFF) pairhist.append(self.status.resetsalltime >> 8) pairhist.append(self.status.resetsalltime & 0xFF) pairhist.append(self.status.batv_resetcause >> 8) pairhist.append(self.status.batv_resetcause & 0xFF) pairhist.append(self.endmarkerpos >> 8) pairhist.append(self.endmarkerpos & 0xFF) # Perform message authentication. calcHash, self.hashtype = self.__class__._gethash(pairhist, usehmac, secretkey) urlHash = self.hash # Truncate calculated MD5 to the same length as the URL MD5. calcHash = calcHash[0:len(urlHash)] if urlHash != calcHash: raise MessageIntegrityError(calcHash, urlHash) assert self.npairs == len(self.pairs)
[docs] @staticmethod def _gethash(message: bytearray, usehmac: bool, secretkey: str): """ Calculates the hash of a message. Parameters ---------- message : bytearray Input data to the hashing algorithm. usehmac : bool When True the HMAC-MD5 algorithm is used. Otherwise MD5 is used (not recommended for production). secretkey : str HMAC secret key as a string. Normally 16 characters long. Returns ------- digest : str The message hash. hashtype : HashType The hash algorithm used. """ secretkeyba = bytearray(secretkey, 'utf8') if usehmac: hmacobj =, message, "md5") digest = hmacobj.hexdigest() hashtype = HashType.HMAC_MD5 else: digest = hashlib.md5(message).hexdigest() hashtype = HashType.MD5 return digest, hashtype
[docs] def _decode_pairs(self): """ The payload string is converted into a list of 8-byte demis (see :ref:`demi`). The first demi is the newest; its data have been written to the circular buffer most recently, so it closest to the left of the endstop. It can contain either one or two pairs. This is decoded first. Subsequent (older) demis each contain 2 pairs. These are decoded. The final list of pairs is in chronological order with the newest first and the oldest last. """ self.pairs = list() # Convert payload string into 8 byte demis. demis = self._dividestring(self.payloadstr, BYTES_PER_DEMI) # The newest 8 byte demi might only contain 1 valid pair. # If so, it is a partial one so it gets processed first. partial = self.npairs % PAIRS_PER_DEMI full = int(self.npairs / PAIRS_PER_DEMI) if partial != 0: demi = demis.pop() pair = self._pairsfromdemi(demi)[1] # Only append the oldest pair, for the newest is invalid. self.pairs.append(pair) # Process remaining full demis. These all contain 2 pairs. for i in range(0, full, 1): demi = demis.pop() demipairs = self._pairsfromdemi(demi) # Append both pairs. self.pairs.extend(demipairs)
[docs] @staticmethod def _dividestring(source: str, n: int): """ Parameters ---------- source : str The string to be divided. n The number of characters in each substring. Returns ------- A list of substrings, each containing n characters. """ return list(source[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(source), n))
[docs] def _pairsfromdemi(self, demi: str) -> List[Pair]: """ Decode a demi into 2 pairs. Parameters ---------- demi : str A string containing 8 base64 characters. Returns ------- A list of 2 pairs: Element 0 is the oldest pair, decoded from the first 4 demi characters. Element 1 is the newest pair, decoded from the last 4 demi characters. """ pairs = list() assert len(demi) == BYTES_PER_DEMI, demi for i in range(0, BYTES_PER_DEMI, BYTES_PER_PAIRB64): pairb64 = demi[i:i+BYTES_PER_PAIRB64] pair = Pair.from_b64(pairb64) pairs.append(pair) pairs.reverse() return pairs