Decode a cuplcodec URL¶
The decoder extracts a timestamped list of samples from a cuplcodec URL.
(formatcode: int)[source]¶ - Parameters
formatcode – Value of the codec format field. Specifies which decoder shall be returned.
- Returns
- Return type
Decoder class for the given format code.
(secretkey: str, statb64: str, timeintb64: str, circb64: str, vfmtb64: str, usehmac: bool = True, scantimestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) → wscodec.decoder.samples.SamplesURL[source]¶ Decode the version string and extract codec version and format code. An error is raised if the codec version does not match. A decoder object is returned based on the format code. An error is raised if no decoder is available for the code.
- Parameters
secretkey (str) – HMAC secret key as a string. Normally 16 characters long.
statb64 (str) – Value of the URL parameter that holds status information (base64 encoded).
timeintb64 (str) – Value of the URL parameter that holds the time interval between samples in minutes (base64 encoded).
circb64 (str) – Value of the URL parameter that contains the circular buffer of base64 encoded samples.
vfmtb64 (str) – Value of the URL parameter that contains the version and format string (base64 encoded).
usehmac (bool) – True if the hash inside the circular buffer endstop is HMAC-MD5. False if it is MD5.
scantimestamp (datetime) – The time that the tag was scanned. All decoded samples will be timestamped relative to this.
- Returns
An object containing a list of timestamped environmental sensor samples.
- Return type
(*args, timeintb64: str, scantimestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶ This holds a list of decoded sensor samples. Each needs a timestamp, but this must be calculated. There are no absolute timestamps in the URL. First, all times are relative to scantimestamp (when the tag was scanned).
The URL does contain self.elapsedmins (the minutes elapsed since the newest sample was acquired). This makes it possible to calculate self.newest_timestamp, the timestamp of the newest sample.
Every subsequent sample is taken at a fixed time interval relative to self.newest_timestamp. This time interval is decoded from timeintb64 into self.timeinterval.
- Parameters
*args – Variable length argument list
timeintb64 (str) – Time interval between samples in minutes, base64 encoded into a 4 character string.
scantimestamp (datetime) – Time the tag was scanned. It corresponds to the time the URL on the tag is requested from the web server.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to parent class constructors.
(*args, usehmac: bool = False, secretkey: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶ This takes the payload of the linearised buffer, which is a long string of base64 characters. It decodes this into a list of pairs. The hash (MD5 or HMAC-MD5) is taken and compared with that supplied in the URL by the encoder. If the hashes match then the decode has been successful. If not, an exception is raised.
- Parameters
()[source]¶ The payload string is converted into a list of 8-byte demis (see demi).
The first demi is the newest; its data have been written to the circular buffer most recently, so it closest to the left of the endstop. It can contain either one or two pairs. This is decoded first.
Subsequent (older) demis each contain 2 pairs. These are decoded. The final list of pairs is in chronological order with the newest first and the oldest last.
(source: str, n: int)[source]¶ - Parameters
source (str) – The string to be divided.
n – The number of characters in each substring.
- Returns
- Return type
A list of substrings, each containing n characters.
(message: bytearray, usehmac: bool, secretkey: str)[source]¶ Calculates the hash of a message.
- Parameters
- Returns
digest (str) – The message hash.
hashtype (HashType) – The hash algorithm used.
(demi: str) → List[wscodec.decoder.pairs.Pair][source]¶ Decode a demi into 2 pairs.
- Parameters
demi (str) – A string containing 8 base64 characters.
- Returns
Element 0 is the oldest pair, decoded from the first 4 demi characters. Element 1 is the newest pair, decoded from the last 4 demi characters.
- Return type
A list of 2 pairs
(usehmac: bool, secretkey: str)[source]¶ Calculate a hash from the list of pairs according to the same algorithm used by the encoder (see pairhist_hash). Besides pairs, data from the status URL parameter are included. This makes it very unlikely that the same data will be hashed twice, as well as ‘protecting’ the status parameter from modification by a 3rd party.
A fragment of the calculated hash is compared with that supplied by the encoder. If the hashes agree then verification is successful. If not, an exception is raised.
- Parameters
- Raises
MessageIntegrityError – If the hash calculated by this decoder does not match the hash provided by the encoder.:
(statb64: str, circb64: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ Base class for a cuplcodec URL.
This includes at least a circular buffer with a long string of base64 encoded sample data and a short status field.
Instantiation decodes the status string first. It contains error information from the microcontroller running the encoder.
Next it locates the ENDSTOP_BYTE in the circular buffer string. Characters to its left are the newest. Characters to its right are the oldest. The circular buffer is unwrapped into a string where ENDSTOP_BYTE is the last character and the oldest data is in the first.
The linearised buffer is further divided into two parts: The endstop string (including the endstop itself) are at the end. It contains metadata such as the number of samples in the payload. This is preceded by the payload string, which contains a list base64-encocded environmental sensor readings. These are in chronological order oldest-to-newest reading left-to-right.
The decoding of the payload string is handled elsewhere.
- Parameters
- statb64str
Base64 encoded status string extract from a URL parameter.
- circb64str
A long string containing base64 encoded samples that are organised as a circular buffer.
= 4¶ Length of the endstop elapsed minutes field in bytes (including the endstop itself).
= '~'¶ The last character in the endstop and the end of the circular buffer. Must be URL safe.
= 16¶ Length of the endstop in bytes.
()[source]¶ Decode the circular buffer endstop. This can be over-ridden by a child of this class if the endstop data needs to change in future.
(rawtemp: int, rawrh: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime)[source]¶
(rawtemp: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime)[source]¶
(timestamp: datetime.datetime)[source]¶ Sample base class. All samples must contain a timestamp.
(rd0MSB: int, rd1MSB: int, Lsb: int)[source]¶ Class representing a pair of 12-bit sensor readings.
In the URL each pair consists of a 4 byte (base64) string. These decode to 3 8-bit bytes. The last contains 4-bits from reading0 and 4-bits from reading 1.
When this class is instantiated, the 3 8-bit bytes are converted back into two 12-bit readings.
- Parameters
(pairb64: str)[source]¶ - Parameters
str4 (str) – A 4 character string that represents a base64 encoded pair. These are extracted from the circular buffer.
- Returns
- Return type
A pair instantiated from the 4 character string.