Sampling Loop

The cuplTag wakes up each minute. Several initialisation states are skipped. The minute counter is incremented. If this equals the configured sampling interval, then a sample is collected from the HDC2021.

cuplcodec updates the minute counter in the cupl URL (stored on the NFC EEPROM). If a new sample is available, this is encoded and added to the circular buffer.

     hide empty description
     [*] --> init_state

     init_state #83f795 --> init_reqmemon: tr_ok

     init_reqmemon #83f795 --> init_waitmemon: tr_ok

     init_waitmemon #83f795 --> init_ntag: tr_ok
     init_waitmemon --> init_waitmemon: tr_wait

     init_ntag #83f795 --> init_wakeupcheck: tr_ok

     init_wakeupcheck #83f795 --> smpl_checkcounter: tr_samplingloop

     smpl_checkcounter #83f795  --> smpl_hdcreq: tr_hdcreq
     smpl_checkcounter --> smpl_wait: tr_updatemin

     smpl_hdcreq #83f795 --> smpl_hdcwait: tr_ok

     smpl_hdcwait #83f795  --> smpl_hdcread: tr_ok
     smpl_hdcwait --> smpl_hdcwait: tr_wait

     smpl_hdcread #83f795 --> smpl_wait: tr_ok
     smpl_hdcread --> [*]: tr_lowbat

     smpl_wait #83f795  --> [*]: tr_deepsleep


The state machine runs each minute in the sampling loop.